Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

a) I read that photo manipulation originally took up to weeks, but can now be achieved in just minutes. With the advancement in technology, photoshop has become harder to detect in modern day photos, and is often controversial in the sense of whether or not the distortion is ethical.

b) Famous newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times believe that editing, or toning, a photo is okay as long as it reflects the original accuracy of the photo, and is used to construct or enhance the primary image the photographer took.

c) I think that cropping, or adding a filter/enhancing the colors in a photo is ethical. I think distorting a person's features or adding something into the photo that was not originally there is where the border is crossed.

I believe that this photo is the most unethical, because first off, neither person gave consent for their photograph, and secondly, the photo is not an accurate depiction of Winfrey. The company clearly crossed the line, using two entirely different people and claiming them to be one.

 Kim Kardashian was featured on the cover of Complex Magazine. The original cover (left) was leaked. The photoshopped version (right) is on newstands now.
I think that this photo is the least unethical, because both photos are fairly similar. All that was really altered is the coloring on Kim's face and legs, and a small amount of editing on the waist. However, the changes aren't drastic, and both photos are recognizable.

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