Monday, September 24, 2018

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

nancy, danville, virginia, 1965 by emmet gowin
1) In first looking at this photo, the dolls in the photo caught my eye. The young girl's body position and her possible backstory also drew me to this picture.
2) I see a little girl laying on the grass, possibly outside of her house. I also see many dolls, some clothed and some not. I can see the bright sun shining down on the girl's face.
3) I smell grass, and earthy type scents. I can also smell dinner being made. The dinner's being prepared on a fire, in which I can smell the smoke.
4) I hear many animals around us. I can hear crickets, birds, and frogs croaking. I can also hear the little girl playing with her dolls.
5) I can taste the water I'm drinking. I can also taste the snack I'd eaten before. Looking at the dinner being cooked, I can almost taste it.
6) I feel the dry grass under my feet, and the cold feel to the doll's plastic skin. I can also feel the sun shining on my face. I can feel the soft material of my clothing.

barry, dwayne and turkeys, danville, virginia, 1970 by emmet gowin

1) In first glancing at the photo, the share white of the chickens caught my eye. Also, the young boys talking caught my attention.
2) I see two young boys standing outside of their house. I also see two chickens lying down. Lastly, I can see pots and pans overturned behind the boys.
3) I smell the chicken's pen, and I smell grass. I can also smell rain. There are also many flowers, which I can smell.
4) I hear the chickens clucking, and I hear the boys talking. I can also hear birds chirping. The boy's mom is calling them in, which I hear.
5) I can taste the meal being prepared. I can taste the fresh eggs produced by the chickens. I can also taste the water I drink to stay hydrated.
6) I feel the damp ground. I can feel the soft feathers of the chicken. I can also feel the prominent humidity.

I would like to create a google slides presentation to tell my classmates about my artist. 

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