Monday, September 17, 2018

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1) It was challenging to take pictures inside a classroom with a clear subject, due to the multitude of kids and supplies. It was also difficult to capture the photo exactly as I wanted, because I needed to be aware of my surroundings.

2) I thought the most about focus, and I took multiple photos over again to achieve the quality of clarity I wanted.

3) If I could do the assignment over again, I would focus more on filling the frame, and being clear on what the subject in the photo is.

4) I would take photos during an experiment again, because there were many good picture opportunities.

5) When I go out again with a new prompt, I think focus will be the easiest rule to achieve.

6) I think that telling a story will be the hardest rule to capture, because it's difficult to do so in just one photo.

7) I'm still not totally clear on the rule of balance, and to review it, I could reread the powerpoint with  its meaning.

I really liked how she represented the rule of balance, and the color scheme in her photos.

I think that in some photos, it isn't entirely clear what the subject is, so possibly getting closer could have made the pictures better.

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