Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

Image result for F2.8 aperture photo
Photo taken at F2.8 aperture.

Image result for F18 aperture photo
Photo taken at F18 aperture.

1) We can closely relate the pupil to aperture.
2) The smaller the aperture, the darker the photo. The higher the aperture, the brighter the photo.
3) Aperture is able to blur the background of an image, adding more depth or dimension to the picture.

Shutter Speed:

Image result for photo taken at high shutter speed
Photo taken at a quick shutter speed.

Image result for photo taken at low shutter speed

Photo taken at a slow shutter speed.

a) quick shutter speed
b) medium shutter speed
c) long shutter speed
d) medium shutter speed
e) medium shutter speed
f) quick shutter speed

a) long shutter speed
b) long shutter speed
c) long shutter speed
d) long shutter speed
e) medium shutter speed
f) medium shutter speed

2) Your camera has the vibration reduction setting, manual mode, and shutter priority mode. Vibration reduction allows the photographer to take pictures with a long shutter speed without having a shaky camera. Manual mode allows you to choose the aperture and shutter settings by yourself, without the camera choosing. Shutter priority mode picks an aperture setting or you based on your shutter speed.


Image result for photo taken at ISO 3200
Image result for photo taken at ISO 3200
Image result for photo taken at ISO 200
Photo taken at ISO 200.

Photo taken at ISO 3200.

1) In shooting at a night football game, a higher ISO can help the photos be brighter.
2) The author says that you should use a lower ISO whenever possible, because it ensures minimal grain.
3) The author says that you should use a high ISO when the lighting isn't bright enough to capture the desired photo.

DSLR Camera

1) The aperture settings available are 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22.
2) The shutter speed settings available are 1 second, up to 1/60 seconds, and 1/4000 seconds.
3) The ISO settings are 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, and 25600.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

nancy, danville, virginia, 1965 by emmet gowin
1) In first looking at this photo, the dolls in the photo caught my eye. The young girl's body position and her possible backstory also drew me to this picture.
2) I see a little girl laying on the grass, possibly outside of her house. I also see many dolls, some clothed and some not. I can see the bright sun shining down on the girl's face.
3) I smell grass, and earthy type scents. I can also smell dinner being made. The dinner's being prepared on a fire, in which I can smell the smoke.
4) I hear many animals around us. I can hear crickets, birds, and frogs croaking. I can also hear the little girl playing with her dolls.
5) I can taste the water I'm drinking. I can also taste the snack I'd eaten before. Looking at the dinner being cooked, I can almost taste it.
6) I feel the dry grass under my feet, and the cold feel to the doll's plastic skin. I can also feel the sun shining on my face. I can feel the soft material of my clothing.

barry, dwayne and turkeys, danville, virginia, 1970 by emmet gowin

1) In first glancing at the photo, the share white of the chickens caught my eye. Also, the young boys talking caught my attention.
2) I see two young boys standing outside of their house. I also see two chickens lying down. Lastly, I can see pots and pans overturned behind the boys.
3) I smell the chicken's pen, and I smell grass. I can also smell rain. There are also many flowers, which I can smell.
4) I hear the chickens clucking, and I hear the boys talking. I can also hear birds chirping. The boy's mom is calling them in, which I hear.
5) I can taste the meal being prepared. I can taste the fresh eggs produced by the chickens. I can also taste the water I drink to stay hydrated.
6) I feel the damp ground. I can feel the soft feathers of the chicken. I can also feel the prominent humidity.

I would like to create a google slides presentation to tell my classmates about my artist. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

a) I read that photo manipulation originally took up to weeks, but can now be achieved in just minutes. With the advancement in technology, photoshop has become harder to detect in modern day photos, and is often controversial in the sense of whether or not the distortion is ethical.

b) Famous newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times believe that editing, or toning, a photo is okay as long as it reflects the original accuracy of the photo, and is used to construct or enhance the primary image the photographer took.

c) I think that cropping, or adding a filter/enhancing the colors in a photo is ethical. I think distorting a person's features or adding something into the photo that was not originally there is where the border is crossed.

I believe that this photo is the most unethical, because first off, neither person gave consent for their photograph, and secondly, the photo is not an accurate depiction of Winfrey. The company clearly crossed the line, using two entirely different people and claiming them to be one.

 Kim Kardashian was featured on the cover of Complex Magazine. The original cover (left) was leaked. The photoshopped version (right) is on newstands now.
I think that this photo is the least unethical, because both photos are fairly similar. All that was really altered is the coloring on Kim's face and legs, and a small amount of editing on the waist. However, the changes aren't drastic, and both photos are recognizable.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1) It was challenging to take pictures inside a classroom with a clear subject, due to the multitude of kids and supplies. It was also difficult to capture the photo exactly as I wanted, because I needed to be aware of my surroundings.

2) I thought the most about focus, and I took multiple photos over again to achieve the quality of clarity I wanted.

3) If I could do the assignment over again, I would focus more on filling the frame, and being clear on what the subject in the photo is.

4) I would take photos during an experiment again, because there were many good picture opportunities.

5) When I go out again with a new prompt, I think focus will be the easiest rule to achieve.

6) I think that telling a story will be the hardest rule to capture, because it's difficult to do so in just one photo.

7) I'm still not totally clear on the rule of balance, and to review it, I could reread the powerpoint with  its meaning.

I really liked how she represented the rule of balance, and the color scheme in her photos.

I think that in some photos, it isn't entirely clear what the subject is, so possibly getting closer could have made the pictures better.

Academic Shoot Post

1) I followed the Rule of Thirds in this photo.
2) The subject of this photo is the boy holding his pencil.
3) I think that it is clear to others that the subject is the boy.

1) I had an intentional merger in this photo, showing the boy and the straws merging.
2) The subject of this photo is the bubble.
3) I think that people are able to see that the subject is the bubble, but the boy could be misinterpreted as the subject.
4) To better see the subject, I could have taken the photo without the boy in it, just focusing on the bubble.

1) I also had an intentional merger in this photo, due to the bubble merging with the boy's hand.
2) The subject in this photo is the hand going through the bubble.
3) I think that it's clear the hand is the subject, but again the bubble could be misinterpreted as the subject.
4) To better see the subject, I could have taken the photo from a different angle, making it more clear that the hand is the subject.

1) I followed the rule of lines by including the straws, which lead your eyes to the bubble in the center.
2) The subject in this photo is the bubble.
3) I think that the subject in this photo is somewhat unclear.
4) To better see the subject, I should have gotten closer to the bubble, leaving out the white tub.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

Emmet Gowin

Born December 22, 1941 (76yrs)

Born in Danville, Virginia

After graduating from high school, Gowin attended what was once called Richmond Professional Institute, but is now known as Virginia Commonwealth University. Gowin also attended the Rhode Island School of Design to further his photography knowledge.

Gowin worked and studied under several influential artists, and was ultimately offered a job at Princeton University in 1973 to teach photography to students. Gowin retired from teaching in 2009, going to Pennsylvania to live with his wife, Edith.

Gowin often drew inspiration from Edith's family, capturing photos of the large family he never had.

Gowin married Edith Morris, eventually having two sons, Elijah and Isaac Gowin.

In 1976, Gowin published the book titled Emmet Gowin--photographs
In 1986, Gowin published the book Petra, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
In 2015, Gowin published the book Hidden Likeness: Photographer Emmet Gowin at The Morgan
In 2017, Gowin published the book Mariposas Nocturnas: Moths of Central and South America, A Study in Beauty and Diversity 

barry, dwayne and turkeys, danville, virginia, 1970 by emmet gowinnancy, danville, virginia, 1965 by emmet gowin
edith, danville, virginia by emmet gowin

Great Black and White Photographers

Emmet Gowin

William Klein
Broadway and 103rd Street

William Eggleston

Friday, September 7, 2018

2012 Favorites

1) I picked this photo, because I thought the girl's face was funny, and the whole concept of the trust fall was humorous.

2)The rule of thirds is seen in this photo, because the main focus of the photo has been placed on one of those thirds.

1) I picked this picture, because the boys look extremely fit and focused. I also liked how the picture seemed almost mysterious and eerie.

2) The rule of simplicity is applied in this photo, because the background is just black, making the primary focus on the two wrestlers.

3) I could take photos in the courtyard, or near the portables to get the academic feel.

4) I would like to visit Mrs. Ramos, or any science teacher to get photos of kids working on labs and science equipment.

5) To take amazing photos, I will make sure to apply the rules we have learned, and try to take the pictures from new angles.

Filling the Frame

The frame is filled by the fire, caused by a scientific experiment. The fire is the main focus in the picture, filling up the majority of the space. The eye is naturally first drawn to the explosion, due to how bright and prominent it is.

Action and Emotion

I think that the emotion shown in this photo is pure happiness and curiosity. It appears that the two people are in some kind of outdoor plant observatory, maybe a butterfly garden. The girl looks very carefree and enthusiastic, and the boy also looks excited and like he's having a good time.

The Story

This photo shows a story between friends and peers. I think that the kids may be at school, playing some kind of a game with a parachute. It seems like the kids are truly having a good time, shown by the genuine smiles on their faces.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Post Shoot Reflection

1. In trying to take the first four pictures following the prompt, it was difficult at first to think of things to fit the photo requirements. However, after thinking outside of the box, it was easier to take the photos.

2. I found myself thinking about focus often, because it was somewhat difficult on our camera to focus the pictures and I wanted all of my photos to be very clear. I was able to use auto-focus to make sure all the pictures come out clear.

3. I found myself adjusting the angles in which I took the photos to help accommodate the rules of composition.

4. I ended up achieving the rule of simplicity, thirds, mergers, and lines.

5. I would not want to shoot the same prompts again, just because I think that it's interesting to shoot and observe new things every prompt.


  • sad
  • pink
  • friend\

2. The photos that she took followed the rules of composition pretty well and captured my eye. The photos also turned out very clear and were interesting to look at. 

3. The only advice I would give for the photos is to remove the things that aren't necessary, or wait for people to move out of the shot before taking the photo. For example, on her third picture, there are people in the background that don't necessarily need to be there. 

Prompt Shoot #1

Happy - Simplicity

Metal - Merger

Bowie - Lines

Square - Rule of Thirds