Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Sports Portfolio


a) Alyssa Schukar
b) Photojournalism
c) All of the pictures taken at a distance, same lens and feel to each photo, not enough singles
d) Background in Haiti photograph and track meet picture
e) Overall, I don't love the photographer. I liked the sports photos taken, but none of them are especially creative.

a) Nick Adams
b) Story
c) Out of focus, photos don't tell anything specific, topic overdone
d) Original, fills four corners
e) I liked the photographer's photos in the alley, but I think the portfolio wasn't well thought out.

a) Sam Adams
b) Story
c) Avoid mergers, not framed well, doesn't tell stories through photos
d) Good portrait, good background
e) I like the tone of this photographer's portfolio and their execution of backgrounds.

a) Melissa Solden
b) Story
c) Unoriginal, focus of picture is blurry and not prominent, power lines in photo
d) Nice portrait, good ideas
e) I don't especially like this portfolio, because I think too many of the pictures were in black in white. Also, many of the pictures were blurry and lacked a focus.


a) The judges noted that he did a good job of getting up close and almost in the shots. Also, the judges pointed out his apparent creativity and use of color. 
b) I saw that the photographer was very skilled in the aspect of focus and telling a clear story through the picture. There weren't any stark weaknesses, but I feel that a few of the photos in the portfolio were repetitive.


a) To determine the winner, the judges look back through at the portfolios that stood out to them in their original viewing. At the portfolio's second glance, the judges nitpick and choose two absolute standouts. The judges must then rehash their critiques and choose an overall winner. 

Part Two - Individual Images 

1) One photo I agree with the judges on is the first photo critique about the simple view from a car. The photo does not feature anything particular, but just a viewpoint. This lack of a story in the picture makes it an unappealing photograph. 

2) One photo that I do not agree with the judges on, is the tennis picture of the player throwing her racket into the air. While I do think the picture is fine, I think that not showing the girl's face significantly reduces the emotion that could've been communicated within the picture. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Car Raid Preview

1) My subject is Ethan Duncan.
2) I will do this car raid sometime after school this week.

a) How do you keep your car clean?
b) What are some items that are always in your car?
c) Do you eat in your car?
d) Do you often take friends in your car?

4) I should record details regarding trash and possessions inside the car, and any damage or marks on the car to help advance the story.

Friday, April 5, 2019


1) To get a better view of your location, you can look on google maps.

2) You can download the app Photographer's Emerphis.

3) The wide or zoom lens can make photos appear undefined and lack a focal point.

4) For compensating the sky and ground, the website suggests the ND grad filter.

a) Bring cleansing cloths.
b) Wear suitable clothing.
c) Bring gear to protect camera equipment.

6) Pre scouting allows the photographer to explore their location prior to taking the photos, and brainstorm possible photographic ideas. Also, pre scouting can help the photographer realize if the location is unsuitable for the shoot.

7) Subject is more important in landscape photography, because nature doesn't always make applying rule of composition within a photo easy.

8) To create simple yet striking photos, it is important to exclude certain elements of the landscape; Don't include too much in the shot.

9) Photographers should use black and white when there is a heavy, cloudy sky, or fluffy clouds in a bright blue sky.

10) Depending on the lighting and weather of a location, photographers are able to capture new photographs that are entirely different than before.

Image result for landscape pictures
Image result for landscape pictures
Image result for landscape pictures

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Merger Photo

1) The girl overlapped with the fence, creating a distorted part of the picture.

2) I think taking the pictures on the track or near the rose bush would be a good place to take these pictures.

3) I could spell something out with words or do different poses in each photo.

4) Wearing a shirt with no letters and brightly colored so you stand out in the photo would be beneficial in taking a merger picture.

HDR Photo 1

Monday, April 1, 2019

HDR Photography

1) To take an HDR photo, you must put the camera into AV mode and use auto- exposure bracketing. You then need to determine ISO and aperture.

2) You need a tripod to take an HDR photo.

3) Someone may take an HDR photo to capture small elements and details of a landscape or photo subject.

4) In merging the photographs together, you will get one high quality picture that focuses in on small details you may not have been able to see before.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Infogram Infographic

Friday, March 15, 2019

Final Exam Preview

1) I've used snapchat and tiktok to make short, fun videos before.
2) I think the hardest thing about using a dslr or a GoPro will be remembering to adjust the exposure, aperture and ISO to get maximum photo quality.
3) Baseball game, birthday party, family dinner
4) I can take pictures of baseball, birthday, or food elements.
5) I could take footage of the actual game, singing happy birthday, or the making of the food.

SLO Practice

1) C
2) A
3) C
4) D
5) B
6) C


Important Leaders Walk

Senator Mark Jaynes escorts Princess Abela Kan down the red carpet on March 7th, 2019. Kan has won an award for Great Passion in the city of Whistler, Canada.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Personal Essays

1) The writer explains that you should care about and feel passionate about whatever topic you write about.

2) The writer reiterates that you should include specific details in your essay rather than generalizations.

a) Make connections.
b) Write evocatively.
c) Take ideas from wherever you can.


Brianna Bull has been selected as Student of the Month at Bowie High School during the month of February, for her above average grades and excellent involvement.

Brianna Bull was selected by Ms. Graf, a teacher at Bowie high school.

Junior Brianna Bull has been chosen as Student of the Month.

"We chose Brianna for her amazing grades and band involvement," assistant principal Ms. Black said.

Brianna has excelled in both band and academics.

"Her abilities are unmatched, she's without a doubt the best first chair we've had here at Bowie High School," exclaimed band director Marshall Hall.

Bill and Olivia Bull, Brianna's parents, are very proud of her achievements.

"We couldn't be more proud of our girl," stated Brianna's mom, Olivia Bull.

Brianna uses a wide range of study methods to balance her schoolwork and her social calendar.

"She always seems prepared! I don't know how she does it," says biology teacher Clare Ramos.

School remains a priority in Brianna's life, and as a National Honor Society member, motivates her to be the best student she can be, in and out of school.

"Brianna is a light on the society, always offering help and guidance to new or confused members; We couldn't do this without her or her vast skills," explains the National Honor Society head president Julie Fisher.

Brianna wants to help as many people as possible and wants to pursue a career in a any field that presents the opportunity to do so.

"I definitely see a future in medicine for Brianna. She has the charisma, will, and motivation to reach many people through being a doctor," says her brother Blake Bull.

Managing time is a crucial part of Brianna's road to success. Knowing how to balance her events has helped minimize the stress and work load she endures.

"Brianna always seems to have her ducks in a row. Any assignment I haven't started, Brianna has already finished," states fellow classmate and peer Alyssa Cross.

Listening to music and playing her instrument is a vital element in getting rid of any anxiety Brianna feels.

"I know when I hear her play that she needs time to herself, so I leave her be," claims Brianna's father, Bill Bull.

"I can't wait to see where Brianna goes," exclaims principal Aaron Robinson.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Nut Graf

A Nut Graf is a paragraph that explains the context of the story. The term is compiled of the words nutshell and paragraph, basically meaning the context of the paragraph in a nutshell.

A Nut Graf also justifies the purpose of the story and acts as a transition from the lead, explaining its connection to the story. Additionally, a Nut Graf includes supporting content that proves to readers that the story is important.

Architecture Shoot



Monday, March 4, 2019

Student of the Month Story

Who- Brianna
What- Brianna has been selected as Student of the Month.
Where- She has been selected at Bowie High School.
When- In the month of February, Brianna was selected.
Why- Brianna was selected for her above average grades and excellent involvement.
How- Brianna was selected by the teachers that she is in class with.

Brianna Bull has been selected as Student of the Month at Bowie High School during the month of February, for her above average grades and excellent involvement.

Brianna Bull was selected by Ms. Graf, a teacher at Bowie high school.

Junior Brianna Bull has been chosen as Student of the Month.

"We chose Brianna for her amazing grades and band involvement," assistant principal Ms. Black said.

Brianna has excelled in both band and academics.

"Her abilities are unmatched, she's without a doubt the best first chair we've had here at Bowie High School," exclaimed band director Marshall Hall.

Bill and Olivia Bull, Brianna's parents, are very proud of her achievements.

"We couldn't be more proud of our girl," stated Brianna's mom, Olivia Bull.

Brianna uses a wide range of study methods to balance her schoolwork and her social calendar.

"She always seems prepared! I don't know how she does it," says biology teacher Clare Ramos.

School remains a priority in Brianna's life, and as a National Honor Society member, motivates her to be the best student she can be, in and out of school.

"Brianna is a light on the society, always offering help and guidance to new or confused members; We couldn't do this without her or her vast skills," explains the National Honor Society head president Julie Fisher.

Brianna wants to help as many people as possible and wants to pursue a career in a any field that presents the opportunity to do so.

"I definitely see a future in medicine for Brianna. She has the charisma, will, and motivation to reach many people through being a doctor," says her brother Blake Bull.

Managing time is a crucial part of Brianna's road to success. Knowing how to balance her events has helped minimize the stress and work load she endures.

"Brianna always seems to have her ducks in a row. Any assignment I haven't started, Brianna has already finished," states fellow classmate and peer Alyssa Cross.

Listening to music and playing her instrument is a vital element in getting rid of any anxiety Brianna feels.

"I know when I hear her play that she needs time to herself, so I leave her be," claims Brianna's father, Bill Bull.

The next Student of the Month will be announced in early March.

Inverted Pyramid

Image result for inverted pyramid

My First Interview

1) How were you selected to be Student of the Month?
I was selected for being a good student and being involved in school activities. 

2) Is this accomplishment something you ever thought possible?
Yes, I found it possible to achieve. Or at least, I hoped I could. 

3) How do you feel about being chosen to be Student of the Month?
I was confused at first, but then I was surprised and very excited. 

4) What work ethic helped you reach this point as a student?
I put a lot of work into studying and being a good student. 

5) What extracurriculars do you participate in?
I am involved in orchestra. 

6) Which school subjects do you particularly like?
I like photo journalism and orchestra a lot. 

7) Do you play any sports?
I play hockey and tennis.

8) Is there any advice you would give to peers hoping to be nominated for this achievement?
I would advise them to balance their time between studying and having time for themselves. It's very important to know how to manage your time!

9) How do you achieve good grades?
A positive mindset, and studying a lot. However, it's important not to overwork yourself. 

10) Do you have any goals for the rest of your time as a student?
Just getting good grades and staying first chair in orchestra. 

11) Do you have any goals for a future career?
I want to help as many people as I can, so just a career where that is possible. 

12) Is there a certain college you hope to attend?
No, there isn't. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet. 

13) Are your parents proud of your achievements?
They don't quite acknowledge my achievements, except for being first chair in orchestra. 

14) What habits that you have formed have helped you succeed as a student?
Managing my time and staying on top of school work. 

15) In a time of stress, how do you cope?
I cope with stress by listening to or playing music. 

16) Do you ever feel anxiety in regards to school?
Yes, on a very large scale. 

17) What do you do to study for an upcoming test?
I review all of my notes and do online quizzes over the subject. Quizlet also helps to study before tests. 

18) Are you participating in any Fine Arts?
Yes, I am in orchestra. 

19) Where did you attend middle and elementary school?
For middle school, I attended Covington, and for elementary, I attended Cowan. 

20) Who would you consider to be a role model in your life?
I would consider my older brother to be a strong role model in my life. 

Student of the Month Interview

1) How were you selected to be Student of the Month?

2) Is this accomplishment something you ever thought possible?

3) How do you feel about being chosen to be Student of the Month?

4) What work ethic helped you reach this point as a student?

5) What extracurriculars do you participate in?

6) Which school subjects do you particularly like?

7) Do you play any sports?

8) Is there any advice you would give to peers hoping to be nominated for this achievement?

9) How do you achieve good grades?

10) Do you have any goals for the rest of your time as a student?

11) Do you have any goals for a future career?

12) Is there a certain college you hope to attend?

13) Are your parents proud of your achievements?

14) What habits that you have formed have helped you succeed as a student?

15) In a time of stress, how do you cope?

16) Do you ever feel anxiety in regards to school?

17) What do you do to study for an upcoming test?

18) Are you participating in any Fine Arts?

19) Where did you attend middle and elementary school?

20) Who would you consider to be a role model in your life?

School Uniforms

Topic: School Uniforms

People to Interview:
1) Principal
2) Teacher
3) Student

Interview Questions:

1) How was this policy created?
2) What is your personal opinion on school uniforms?
3) Have any events within your school community led to the creation of a school uniform policy?
4) What are possible benefits of uniforms?
4) What are possible concerns for instituting uniforms?
5) Do students agree with this policy?
6) How have students reacted to required uniforms?
7) How were the uniforms picked out?
8) Are girls permitted to wear shorts in uniform?
9) How have teachers reacted to this new rule?
10) Do you believe uniforms will reduce bullying?
11) Has there been any rebellion in regards to wearing the uniform?
12) How do parents feel about uniforms being required?
13) What are the required components of the uniform?
14) Are students still able to express themselves creatively with uniforms?
15) How much will the uniforms cost?
16) Is there a certain color students are required to wear?
17) Will teachers be required to wear some kind of uniform?
18) Are any other schools in your district enacting the same policy?
19) Are uniforms a permanent addition to the school handbook?
20) Where are uniforms available to purchase?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Architecture Preview #1

Turning Torso, Sweden
Image result for turning torso sweden
1) Santiago Calatrava
2) 2001-2005
3) Sweden
4) Residential building not open to public.
5) There is no indication of the cost of construction.
6) The building was created in an attempt to reconstruct the skyline of Malmo.
7) I picked this building, because the architecture specifically caught my eye. I found it very interesting that architects were able to construct a building that was actually twisted. Additionally, the overall view and look of the building is fascinating.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands 
Image result for cubic houses netherlands
1) Piet Blom
2) 1974-1977
3) Netherlands
4) The houses are residential, however, one person has opened their home to act as a sort of museum for curious people.
5) There is no indication for the price of construction.
6) The houses were created to optimize the space in the country.
7) I picked this building, because of their overall visual. I think that the idea of constructing houses at a 45 degree angle is very innovative and strange, prompting me to look into them. The history and thought process behind these houses is truly one of a kind.

Habitat 67, Canada
Image result for habitat 67 canada
1) Moshe Safdie
2) 1967
3) Canada
4) The habitat is considered both model and residential, so people are able to visit.
5) There is no indication of the price of construction.
6) The habitat was created as an urban, innovative approach to housing in Canada.
7) I picked this habitat, due to its construction. The construction of the habitat is very unique and something not seen often around the world. The stacked look of the building adds a very interesting component to the building.

Atomium, Belgium
Image result for atomium
1) Jean and Andre Polak
2) 1957
3) Brussels, Belgium
4) It costs nothing to finish this structure, it is considered a landmark.
5) The price of this building was $26 million.
6) The landmark was constructed for the 1958 Brussel's World Fair.
7) I picked this building due to its diverse structure. The way in which this building was constructed is something I've never seen before, so I find it very interesting. I like the way the lights add an element of fun to the building.

The UFO House
Image result for the ufo house
1) Hung Kuo Group
2) 1978-1980
3) Taiwan
4) The houses have been demolished.
5) The cost for construction is unknown.
6) The houses were constructed to be a vacation resort, but were never completed.
7) I picked this building due to the eeriness associated with the houses. The abandonment and history of the buildings is fascinating to learn about. Also, the mysteriousness regarding their construction is very interesting.

Sensory Overload

1) I think this statement is true and applies well to society today. I agree with the claim that we should base things more on what you're surrounded by. Regarding my photography, I recognize that this statement means I should focus more on what's actually inside the photo, rather than the overall environment.

2) Looking at these pictures, I would like to bring my camera and take photos here.

3) Being a child of someone who worked at this place would most likely involve a lot of work, but a lot of play as well. As your parent's child, you would probably be expected to help out occasionally, but also allowed time to play and simply be a child.

4) My favorite photo is the one featuring the multicolored sports balls, all of varying colors and sizes. As a kid, I'm sure I would have loved to play in this store. The soccer balls, footballs, and bouncy balls on the ceiling create a very fun, appealing mood.

Sports/Actions Shots

Action coming directly at the camera
                             Action moving across the plane of the camera at a 90 degree angle
                                                                      Creative blur

Lit Mag Shoot

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sports Slideshow Link

Sports Warm Up!

1) This photo is part of a winning sports photography portfolio, because typically when a football game is won, the teams pour the gatorade/water on the coach's head.

2) The shutter speed of this photo is medium to slow due to the blurriness in the photo.

3) This is a key moment, because it involves a spur of the moment movement. The photo could have been planned, but is most likely not, due to the fact that a game has just been won.

4) The advanced technique featured in this photo is the skill of taking pictures with a movement occurring, avoiding mergers is also seen in this photo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Prompt Shoot 4

Lazy Day

Looking Down

To-Do List

Part of Your Routine

Looking Through a Window

Monday, January 14, 2019

Welcome Back 2019!

 A resident flees his home in Thousand Oaks, Calif., on Nov. 9 with only the clothes on his back. Wildfires erupted in Northern and Southern California in early November, forcing an estimated 160,000 to evacuate.
I like this photo, because it captures the fear evident on the man's face in the wake of an unfathomable tragedy.

An abandoned home in the village of San Miguel Los Lotes, near the Guatemalan city of Escuintla, after a June volcanic eruption.
I like this picture, because it shows a mystery, and sparks curiosity within your mind.

Abdul Rashid is pushed by his father, Hamisha Gul, on a gurney before a surgery. In April, the boy was among seven children from an extended family in eastern Afghanistan who each lost part of one leg—two lost most of both—after an explosion near home.
I like this picture, because the kid's situation and face tell a story of the world's not so kind side.


The song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran was the best song of 2018, because it features a sweet romance story and the beautiful vocals of Beyonce. I enjoy this song, because it serves as a laid back, chill song that can be very versatile. The song can be played in times of despair, or in times of happiness and joy.

Image result for bird box
I think that "Bird Box" was the best movie of the year. I chose this movie, because it contains plot elements that get your blood racing, and leaves you curious. The movie does a good job of being scary, yet realistic enough that it ignites more fear. Bird Box has also been very popular, receiving high ratings and praises.

Image result for parkland shooting
I believe that the most important news story of 2018 was the Parkland Shooting. The Parkland Shooting was a worldwide tragedy and source of heartache all over America. Many students lost their lives on February 14th, and it is a horrible day that shouldn't have occurred. However, the lives lost should not be forgotten and should be honored.

Image result for donald trump
The most important person of the year is Donald Trump. I believe this, because his election led to many disputes, those of which carried on into 2018. With the new border wall construction, 2018 involved many arguments over the ethicality of the wall production and its effects on immigration. However, Trump remains in office, seeing out his promises and agreements.

Image result for winter olympics
The most important sports story of 2018 was the Winter Olympics. I think this , because many events and successful sports players were in the Olympics. The show was home to many athletes that competed in judicious games and challenges.

9) Over break, I went ice skating with a group of friends which was very fun.

10) My resolutions for the 2019 year are to eat healthier and exercise more often.

11) I'm looking forward to Summer and vacations in 2019.

President Donald Trump pauses as the crowd cheers during a rally on the eve of Election Day at Show Me Center, in Cape Girardeau, Mo., on Nov. 5, 2018.