Monday, March 4, 2019

My First Interview

1) How were you selected to be Student of the Month?
I was selected for being a good student and being involved in school activities. 

2) Is this accomplishment something you ever thought possible?
Yes, I found it possible to achieve. Or at least, I hoped I could. 

3) How do you feel about being chosen to be Student of the Month?
I was confused at first, but then I was surprised and very excited. 

4) What work ethic helped you reach this point as a student?
I put a lot of work into studying and being a good student. 

5) What extracurriculars do you participate in?
I am involved in orchestra. 

6) Which school subjects do you particularly like?
I like photo journalism and orchestra a lot. 

7) Do you play any sports?
I play hockey and tennis.

8) Is there any advice you would give to peers hoping to be nominated for this achievement?
I would advise them to balance their time between studying and having time for themselves. It's very important to know how to manage your time!

9) How do you achieve good grades?
A positive mindset, and studying a lot. However, it's important not to overwork yourself. 

10) Do you have any goals for the rest of your time as a student?
Just getting good grades and staying first chair in orchestra. 

11) Do you have any goals for a future career?
I want to help as many people as I can, so just a career where that is possible. 

12) Is there a certain college you hope to attend?
No, there isn't. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet. 

13) Are your parents proud of your achievements?
They don't quite acknowledge my achievements, except for being first chair in orchestra. 

14) What habits that you have formed have helped you succeed as a student?
Managing my time and staying on top of school work. 

15) In a time of stress, how do you cope?
I cope with stress by listening to or playing music. 

16) Do you ever feel anxiety in regards to school?
Yes, on a very large scale. 

17) What do you do to study for an upcoming test?
I review all of my notes and do online quizzes over the subject. Quizlet also helps to study before tests. 

18) Are you participating in any Fine Arts?
Yes, I am in orchestra. 

19) Where did you attend middle and elementary school?
For middle school, I attended Covington, and for elementary, I attended Cowan. 

20) Who would you consider to be a role model in your life?
I would consider my older brother to be a strong role model in my life. 

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