Monday, March 4, 2019

School Uniforms

Topic: School Uniforms

People to Interview:
1) Principal
2) Teacher
3) Student

Interview Questions:

1) How was this policy created?
2) What is your personal opinion on school uniforms?
3) Have any events within your school community led to the creation of a school uniform policy?
4) What are possible benefits of uniforms?
4) What are possible concerns for instituting uniforms?
5) Do students agree with this policy?
6) How have students reacted to required uniforms?
7) How were the uniforms picked out?
8) Are girls permitted to wear shorts in uniform?
9) How have teachers reacted to this new rule?
10) Do you believe uniforms will reduce bullying?
11) Has there been any rebellion in regards to wearing the uniform?
12) How do parents feel about uniforms being required?
13) What are the required components of the uniform?
14) Are students still able to express themselves creatively with uniforms?
15) How much will the uniforms cost?
16) Is there a certain color students are required to wear?
17) Will teachers be required to wear some kind of uniform?
18) Are any other schools in your district enacting the same policy?
19) Are uniforms a permanent addition to the school handbook?
20) Where are uniforms available to purchase?

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