Monday, March 11, 2019


Brianna Bull has been selected as Student of the Month at Bowie High School during the month of February, for her above average grades and excellent involvement.

Brianna Bull was selected by Ms. Graf, a teacher at Bowie high school.

Junior Brianna Bull has been chosen as Student of the Month.

"We chose Brianna for her amazing grades and band involvement," assistant principal Ms. Black said.

Brianna has excelled in both band and academics.

"Her abilities are unmatched, she's without a doubt the best first chair we've had here at Bowie High School," exclaimed band director Marshall Hall.

Bill and Olivia Bull, Brianna's parents, are very proud of her achievements.

"We couldn't be more proud of our girl," stated Brianna's mom, Olivia Bull.

Brianna uses a wide range of study methods to balance her schoolwork and her social calendar.

"She always seems prepared! I don't know how she does it," says biology teacher Clare Ramos.

School remains a priority in Brianna's life, and as a National Honor Society member, motivates her to be the best student she can be, in and out of school.

"Brianna is a light on the society, always offering help and guidance to new or confused members; We couldn't do this without her or her vast skills," explains the National Honor Society head president Julie Fisher.

Brianna wants to help as many people as possible and wants to pursue a career in a any field that presents the opportunity to do so.

"I definitely see a future in medicine for Brianna. She has the charisma, will, and motivation to reach many people through being a doctor," says her brother Blake Bull.

Managing time is a crucial part of Brianna's road to success. Knowing how to balance her events has helped minimize the stress and work load she endures.

"Brianna always seems to have her ducks in a row. Any assignment I haven't started, Brianna has already finished," states fellow classmate and peer Alyssa Cross.

Listening to music and playing her instrument is a vital element in getting rid of any anxiety Brianna feels.

"I know when I hear her play that she needs time to herself, so I leave her be," claims Brianna's father, Bill Bull.

"I can't wait to see where Brianna goes," exclaims principal Aaron Robinson.

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