Monday, February 25, 2019

Sensory Overload

1) I think this statement is true and applies well to society today. I agree with the claim that we should base things more on what you're surrounded by. Regarding my photography, I recognize that this statement means I should focus more on what's actually inside the photo, rather than the overall environment.

2) Looking at these pictures, I would like to bring my camera and take photos here.

3) Being a child of someone who worked at this place would most likely involve a lot of work, but a lot of play as well. As your parent's child, you would probably be expected to help out occasionally, but also allowed time to play and simply be a child.

4) My favorite photo is the one featuring the multicolored sports balls, all of varying colors and sizes. As a kid, I'm sure I would have loved to play in this store. The soccer balls, footballs, and bouncy balls on the ceiling create a very fun, appealing mood.

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