Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My Favorite Cover

Harper's Bazaar
Kendall Jenner, May 2017
Camilla Akrans, Photographer
"In May of our 150 anniversary year, supermodel Kendall Jenner blew kisses from our subscriber cover with help from photographer Camilla Akrans and a largely forgotten technology known as lenticular printing. A winking reference to a classic Richard Avedon cover from April 1965, it became a collector’s item overnight, proving that, even in our tech-savvy, Bluetooth-enabled world, the simplest solutions can still pack a punch."

On first look, this cover is very successful in grabbing your attention. This factor is established due to the bright colors of the flowers and makeup that is seen on Kendall Jenner's face. However, on first glance, I couldn't identify that the person in the photo was in fact Kendall Jenner. This may be the result of excess photoshopping or alteration of facial features. The dark eyebrows and bright lips also create a very significant contrast to the tone of her skin. The exposure in this photo is also very bright, making it a very eye- catching cover. There isn't much communicated through the cover, but the stark/harsh colors create a very unique quality.

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