Sunday, November 4, 2018

American Soldier

This image is the most powerful, because it shows Fisher carrying his gun, soon to be returning home. 

B) The images tell a story by showing the steps in the process of getting admitted to the army, and his journey in the army as well. 

C) The captions enhance the photographs by giving the photo a backstory and context.

D) Ian Fisher enrolls in the army, and shortly attends basic training. Fisher does well during training, making friends with peers and superior army members. He's then enlisted in the army, where he struggles to maintain his life within the army and outside it. Fisher battles a couple minor injuries and breakups, but overall remains happy. Fisher soon returns home, eager to see his family and friends.

E) When Ian is the subject in the photos, the caption is usually written in present tense. 

1) 1-3 Sentences
2) The first sentence provides the basic information, such as who and when the picture was taken. 
3) The second sentence describes what is happening in the photo.
4) The third sentence provides extra information.
5) Some captions do include a quote.
6) There are some captions with four sentences.

G) It's possible to tell a story with just photos and captions, because with those two things, you are able to physically see what is happening, and also apprehend extra background information.

H) It's still important to write stories, because people are able to imagine and determine for themselves what certain scenarios are like. 

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