Friday, November 16, 2018

4 Websites

Spiral Staircases:

On the website, I looked at different images taken by Christian Richter, who photographs abandoned staircases. The images are taken in a variety of different homes, from different angles and perspectives, to capture the outdated but intricate spiral staircase.
spiral staircase with railing
1) I picked this photo because I liked the variety of colors and textures incorporated.
2) I see the rule of lines and the rule of thirds present in this photo.
3) Christian Richter took this picture.

Making A Projection

On this website, I learned that projections can be displayed on a multitude of surfaces, including the forest. The article explained how two artists used projections to capture different photos.
Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 12.22.35 PM
1) I picked this photo, because the way the projection illuminates the frog is very interesting to look at.
2) The rule of simplicity and avoiding mergers is present in this picture.
3) Tarek Mawad took this photo.


The website mostly explains different ways for photographers to express their own style, avoiding cliches. To develop style, you should step outside of the box and take pictures that excite you.
Hurricane Images Inc Personal Photography
1) I picked this photo, because I like the red that is prominent in it.
2) The rule of simplicity and rule of thirds is present in this photo.
3) Robin Walker took this photo.

Photos Everyone Should Know How to Make

The website explains different techniques that all photographers should know how to do. These techniques include taking 360 photos, and taking forced perspective photos etc.

1) I picked this photo, because I liked the purples and blues within the pictures.
2) The rule of framing and simplicity is present in this photo.
3) Jeff Meyer took this photo.

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