Monday, January 14, 2019

Self Portrait vs. Selfie

1) A selfie is a self portrait taken by a smartphone.

2) A self portrait is a portrait that an artist produces of themselves.

3) The difference between them is that a selfie is easily taken and discarded if disliked, with minimal thought put into it, while the self portrait requires planning and effort.

4) I prefer selfies, just because I've been exposed to them more and I'm more used to seeing them in my everyday life.

5) I think that a self portrait may be considered more valuable, because it is often printed and thought about with care.

The website I chose to look into was The Golden Hour Calculator. The website's intent is to accurately show photographers what time of the day is best for taking photographs. The website writes about the time in any location that the best lighting and photo quality will be achieved, often referred to as "Golden Hour." An average viewer would be able to enter in their location and be given an estimated time to take the best photo possible. I would add this website to my bookmarks, because it's often difficult to determine when the optimum photo should be taken. Also, I would recommend this website, because it could save people time and research.

I would rate this website a four, because the overall visuals and technology could be improved, but the message is communicated and the site is very user friendly.

I learned that based on what region you live in, the "Golden hour" can vary. The website makes it easy to access this information. I also learned that Golden hour can be described as the time when photos come out especially beautiful, sometimes featuring a sunset or sun rise.

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