Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Top- 100 Photos

Image result for alfred eisenstaedt photographer
1) I picked this image, because I liked the black and white aspect of it, and I also liked the romance and possible story behind it.
2) Eisenstaedt was hired by LIFE magazine to capture small snippets of joy, sadness, or despair. Following the end of World War 2, he captured this photo of a sailor arriving home, filled with joy to be back. The sailor passionately kissed this nurse, resulting in the popular photo.
3) Under the original picture, there are news articles displaying the sheer joy everyone felt about the end of the war. The articles feature women, children, and men all rejoicing the fact that they were now home.
 Image result for alfred eisenstaedt photographer
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Born December 6, 1898, Died August 23, 1995
Born in Germany
Attended Humboldt University of Berlin

Image result for harry benson photographer pillow fight
1) I picked this photo because I liked the element of excitement in the picture, and the humor displayed on the men's faces.
2) Benson did not originally plan to take photos of The Beatles, he believed himself to be a very esteemed photographer, too professional to take pictures of some band. However, Benson ended up being their photographer, loving every minute of it. This picture was taken on the night the boys figured out that their song had reached #1 ranking.
3) Under the original photo, there is a video describing the fact that the boys were happy due to big news on their success. The video also features Benson, who explains that this picture wasn't the only one taken during their pillow fight.
 Image result for harry benson
Harry Benson
Born December 2, 1929, still alive
Born in Glawgow, United Kingdom
Attended Glasgow School of Art

Image result for jeff widener
1) I picked this photo due to its interesting backstory and meaning. The way the tanks are lined up caught my eye.
2) I learned that Widener just happened to take this photo, due to the fact that he was sent to report on the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. The man standing in front of the tanks is still unidentified, yet he remains a prime example in the resistance against unfair government. Many people recognize this photo, and have given the person the name "Tank Man."
3) Under the original photo, there is a documentary that explains how Widener had to go undercover to obtain information regarding the massacre.
 Image result for jeff widener
Jeff Widener
Born August 11, 1956, still alive
Born in Long Beach, California
Widener did not attend college

Image result for lewis hine
1) I picked this photo because I liked the way it looked, and I am curious to know the backstory behind it.
2) I learned that Hine worked undercover as a reporter trying to gather information on child labor. He believed that if the world saw the photos, they would be forced to make a change. He took this photo at a factory, in charge of running the cotton machine.
3) Under the original photo, there is a documentary explaining how prominent child labor used to be in the world. Hine took many photos documenting the conditions the children had to endure, eventually prompting child labor laws.
 Image result for lewis hine
Lewis Hine
Born September 26, 1874, died November 3, 1930
Born in Oshkosh, WI
Attended Colombia, New York, and Chicago University

Image result for cindy sherman
1) I picked this photo due to the expression on the girl's face, and the possible background of the picture.
2) I learned that Sherman takes photos of herself, ultimately creating self portraits. This photo was very popular and iconic when it was taken.
3) Under the original photo, there are more pictures that are taken by Sherman. The photos are taken from different angles, in different lighting, and at different focuses, making them all very unique.
 Image result for cindy sherman
Cindy Sherman
Born January 19, 1954, still alive
Born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey
Attended Buffalo State College


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