Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Funny Captions

Fed up with the daily menu at the nursing home on Old People Road, Thomas John goes on a daring escapade down the street, leaving his caretakers in the dust. John was not pleased with the salmon lunch serving, and refused to eat the provided food.

Upon seeing an annoying raccoon on her roof, Betta Brown takes matters into her own hands, shooting and killing the preposterous vermin. Betta refused to allow the coon to disrupt her family, and promptly loaded her shotgun with one shell; The only one she needed to take it down. 

Old man Joe Mcgregor gets a celebratory dance in honor of his 200th birthday, on his gifted cruise to The Bermuda Triangle. Mcgregor very much enjoyed his surprise, and stated that he would be returning on the cruise as soon as possible. 

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