Monday, February 25, 2019

Architecture Preview #1

Turning Torso, Sweden
Image result for turning torso sweden
1) Santiago Calatrava
2) 2001-2005
3) Sweden
4) Residential building not open to public.
5) There is no indication of the cost of construction.
6) The building was created in an attempt to reconstruct the skyline of Malmo.
7) I picked this building, because the architecture specifically caught my eye. I found it very interesting that architects were able to construct a building that was actually twisted. Additionally, the overall view and look of the building is fascinating.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands 
Image result for cubic houses netherlands
1) Piet Blom
2) 1974-1977
3) Netherlands
4) The houses are residential, however, one person has opened their home to act as a sort of museum for curious people.
5) There is no indication for the price of construction.
6) The houses were created to optimize the space in the country.
7) I picked this building, because of their overall visual. I think that the idea of constructing houses at a 45 degree angle is very innovative and strange, prompting me to look into them. The history and thought process behind these houses is truly one of a kind.

Habitat 67, Canada
Image result for habitat 67 canada
1) Moshe Safdie
2) 1967
3) Canada
4) The habitat is considered both model and residential, so people are able to visit.
5) There is no indication of the price of construction.
6) The habitat was created as an urban, innovative approach to housing in Canada.
7) I picked this habitat, due to its construction. The construction of the habitat is very unique and something not seen often around the world. The stacked look of the building adds a very interesting component to the building.

Atomium, Belgium
Image result for atomium
1) Jean and Andre Polak
2) 1957
3) Brussels, Belgium
4) It costs nothing to finish this structure, it is considered a landmark.
5) The price of this building was $26 million.
6) The landmark was constructed for the 1958 Brussel's World Fair.
7) I picked this building due to its diverse structure. The way in which this building was constructed is something I've never seen before, so I find it very interesting. I like the way the lights add an element of fun to the building.

The UFO House
Image result for the ufo house
1) Hung Kuo Group
2) 1978-1980
3) Taiwan
4) The houses have been demolished.
5) The cost for construction is unknown.
6) The houses were constructed to be a vacation resort, but were never completed.
7) I picked this building due to the eeriness associated with the houses. The abandonment and history of the buildings is fascinating to learn about. Also, the mysteriousness regarding their construction is very interesting.

Sensory Overload

1) I think this statement is true and applies well to society today. I agree with the claim that we should base things more on what you're surrounded by. Regarding my photography, I recognize that this statement means I should focus more on what's actually inside the photo, rather than the overall environment.

2) Looking at these pictures, I would like to bring my camera and take photos here.

3) Being a child of someone who worked at this place would most likely involve a lot of work, but a lot of play as well. As your parent's child, you would probably be expected to help out occasionally, but also allowed time to play and simply be a child.

4) My favorite photo is the one featuring the multicolored sports balls, all of varying colors and sizes. As a kid, I'm sure I would have loved to play in this store. The soccer balls, footballs, and bouncy balls on the ceiling create a very fun, appealing mood.

Sports/Actions Shots

Action coming directly at the camera
                             Action moving across the plane of the camera at a 90 degree angle
                                                                      Creative blur

Lit Mag Shoot

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sports Slideshow Link

Sports Warm Up!

1) This photo is part of a winning sports photography portfolio, because typically when a football game is won, the teams pour the gatorade/water on the coach's head.

2) The shutter speed of this photo is medium to slow due to the blurriness in the photo.

3) This is a key moment, because it involves a spur of the moment movement. The photo could have been planned, but is most likely not, due to the fact that a game has just been won.

4) The advanced technique featured in this photo is the skill of taking pictures with a movement occurring, avoiding mergers is also seen in this photo.