Monday, December 17, 2018

Final Exam Review

New York City Marathon
Award winning triathlete, Martin Lel, kisses the ground in light of his victory in the New York City Triathlon. Lel was filled with elation after his win and soon alerted his family back in Kenya of the joyous news.

Republican presidential hopeful, Representative Ron Paul takes a short rest from campaigning at his headquarter in Concord, New Hampshire.
Republican Ron Paul takes a prompt break following his lengthy debate. Paul advocated strongly for the second amendment, determined for it to undergo no change.

1) Rule of Thirds- Demonstrated when the subject o the photo is in a grid depicting thirds.
2) Balancing Elements- When certain components of a photo appear balanced or symmetrical.
3) Leading Lines- Lines in a photo that lead to the subject.
4) Symmetry and Patterns- Patterns or symmetry depicted within the photo.
5) Viewpoint- The point of view in which the photo is from.
6) Background- The scene or object behind the subject, not entirely in focus.
7) Create Depth- Depth is created by taking photos at different distances or perspectives.
8) Framing- When 2 or more sides of the picture are enclosed by certain objects (framed).
9) Cropping- Minimizing the picture to get certain elements or highlight the subject.
10) Mergers and Avoiding them- Unintentional mergers occur when the subject collides with something in the background.

Aperture- an opening in which light travels through, affecting the lighting of your photograph
Shutter Speed- amount of time the shutter is open, affecting exposure
ISO- measures the sensitivity in the picture, affects grain and exposure

Photo Manipulation Ethics

Ethical= color correcting, cropping, enhancing color
Unethical= body manipulation, changes to appearance

Environmental Portrait- Portrait taken where the environment plays a role in the photo.
Self Portrait- Portrait taken of yourself.
Casual Portrait- Can be a candid portrait that is not necessarily formal.

Exposure- amount of light in a photo
Depth of Field- distance where subject appears clear
Focal Length- distance between where the lens and the image sensor are (zoom in)

Married to Type-
Forest of Words

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