Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Extra Credit Story Reaction

After reading about The Falling Man, I truly am shocked. It's impossible to imagine having to go through what those inside the towers did. If I were in the same situation, trapped up on the top floors, I'm not sure what I would've done. I can't possibly understand what those people went through, and just hearing about the horrors they endured is enough to make me sick to my stomach.

Regarding The Falling Man, there were many controversial opinions. It wasn't surprising to me to hear that the majority of the people thought that the photo was too vulgar, or an invasion of a private moment. I'm not sure how I would've felt about the photo being made public, but I know that it certainly would've been heartbreaking to see. However, I think that it's important to honor those who died during the horrible tragedy.

Overall, I think that the photo is something that should be seen. You're not able to know for certain who the man was, therefore it doesn't seem like an invasion of privacy. It's very hard to hear and actually see what people went through, but 9/11 is an important moment in history that must be remembered. 

Composition 9/11

Rule of Thirds:

This photo follows the Rule of Thirds, because the eye is naturally drawn to the flag in this picture, due to its placement.

This photo shows balance, because the placement of the wooden structures form triangles, making the picture very visually appealing.


This photo shows framing, because it is framed on three sides by the bridge, smoke, and water.


This photo follows the composition rule of lines, because the lines draw your eye to see the man falling from the building. 

This photo displays a merger, because the man on the left's shoulder is being merged with a tower looking structure. 

This photo depicts simplicity, because there is no distracting background, and the main focus in the picture is on the building. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

First Day Photos

I like the photo of the desks and windows, because it shows the trees and nature. I think that the angle and the lighting in the photo helped to make it a good picture. I picked this one because I liked how the desks looked with the light shining on them. The angle that I took it at helped make it a good photo.

I like the photo of Isabella, because of the way the hallways look and how the colors on her shirt somewhat match the halls. I think the position of the camera and the brightness of the photo made it a good picture. I picked it because of the quality of the photo. I helped make the photo good by the position in which I held the camera.

The Camera

1. The Camera Obscura effect is achieved by creating a small hole in the wall and then projecting light through the hole. By doing this, the hole acts as a lens. The effect became known as the first camera.

2. The modern camera came one step closer when Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected the understanding of optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses.

3. A glass lens, a dark box, and film were the materials used to make the first modern camera.

4. Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film, making a photograph.

5. An electronic censor called a CCD.

6. In auto mode, the camera completely controls things like flash and exposure. In program mode, you are able to choose flash and exposure.

7. Portrait is used as an attempt to blur out the background, and occurs when the camera uses the fastest available lens setting (aperture).

8. Sports mode is used to freeze motion, and works by using the highest shutter speed possible.

9. The photographer must set both the shutter and aperture mode.

10. You should use The Half Press camera button to have faster camera response time, more control over focus, and better composition.

11. This symbol means no flash. You would use the mode when you didn't want flash in your photo.

12. This symbol shows auto flash. You would use auto flash to be able to automatically fire if the camera thinks the photo needs more light.

13. Too much light will cause the photo to be washed out.

14. Not enough light and the picture will be too dark.

15. A "stop" is a relative measure of light.

16. 1 stop

17. 2 stops

18. Longer shutter speeds cause more light.

19. Shorter shutter speeds cause less light.

20. The aperture controls the brightness.

21. You increase the amount of light by creating a larger opening.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Welcome To My Blog

I took photo 1 to enhance and broaden my knowledge on photography. I enjoy taking photos and
thought this class would be a good fit for me!