Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Sports Portfolio


a) Alyssa Schukar
b) Photojournalism
c) All of the pictures taken at a distance, same lens and feel to each photo, not enough singles
d) Background in Haiti photograph and track meet picture
e) Overall, I don't love the photographer. I liked the sports photos taken, but none of them are especially creative.

a) Nick Adams
b) Story
c) Out of focus, photos don't tell anything specific, topic overdone
d) Original, fills four corners
e) I liked the photographer's photos in the alley, but I think the portfolio wasn't well thought out.

a) Sam Adams
b) Story
c) Avoid mergers, not framed well, doesn't tell stories through photos
d) Good portrait, good background
e) I like the tone of this photographer's portfolio and their execution of backgrounds.

a) Melissa Solden
b) Story
c) Unoriginal, focus of picture is blurry and not prominent, power lines in photo
d) Nice portrait, good ideas
e) I don't especially like this portfolio, because I think too many of the pictures were in black in white. Also, many of the pictures were blurry and lacked a focus.


a) The judges noted that he did a good job of getting up close and almost in the shots. Also, the judges pointed out his apparent creativity and use of color. 
b) I saw that the photographer was very skilled in the aspect of focus and telling a clear story through the picture. There weren't any stark weaknesses, but I feel that a few of the photos in the portfolio were repetitive.


a) To determine the winner, the judges look back through at the portfolios that stood out to them in their original viewing. At the portfolio's second glance, the judges nitpick and choose two absolute standouts. The judges must then rehash their critiques and choose an overall winner. 

Part Two - Individual Images 

1) One photo I agree with the judges on is the first photo critique about the simple view from a car. The photo does not feature anything particular, but just a viewpoint. This lack of a story in the picture makes it an unappealing photograph. 

2) One photo that I do not agree with the judges on, is the tennis picture of the player throwing her racket into the air. While I do think the picture is fine, I think that not showing the girl's face significantly reduces the emotion that could've been communicated within the picture. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Car Raid Preview

1) My subject is Ethan Duncan.
2) I will do this car raid sometime after school this week.

a) How do you keep your car clean?
b) What are some items that are always in your car?
c) Do you eat in your car?
d) Do you often take friends in your car?

4) I should record details regarding trash and possessions inside the car, and any damage or marks on the car to help advance the story.

Friday, April 5, 2019


1) To get a better view of your location, you can look on google maps.

2) You can download the app Photographer's Emerphis.

3) The wide or zoom lens can make photos appear undefined and lack a focal point.

4) For compensating the sky and ground, the website suggests the ND grad filter.

a) Bring cleansing cloths.
b) Wear suitable clothing.
c) Bring gear to protect camera equipment.

6) Pre scouting allows the photographer to explore their location prior to taking the photos, and brainstorm possible photographic ideas. Also, pre scouting can help the photographer realize if the location is unsuitable for the shoot.

7) Subject is more important in landscape photography, because nature doesn't always make applying rule of composition within a photo easy.

8) To create simple yet striking photos, it is important to exclude certain elements of the landscape; Don't include too much in the shot.

9) Photographers should use black and white when there is a heavy, cloudy sky, or fluffy clouds in a bright blue sky.

10) Depending on the lighting and weather of a location, photographers are able to capture new photographs that are entirely different than before.

Image result for landscape pictures
Image result for landscape pictures
Image result for landscape pictures